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Bizmetric Security App Launch

Bizmetric’s Security Utility App is designed for providing seamless integration with Power BI reporting for implementation of data authorization.

About the App

Bizmetric’s Security Utility App is designed for providing seamless integration with Power BI reporting for implementation of data authorization. In the app, the admin user can assign roles and access at different levels of hierarchy for the users. The resultant data of the app can be used in power bi model to implement row level security. PowerApps and Power BI being part of Power Platform package allow for a seamless integration capability.

The Business Challenges

Customer Challenges

Admins in corporations are being overworked with technical problems that they are not properly trained in to answer. Companies are having difficulties setting up the role-based security. Companies are not able to create hierarchical levels of data to access in the system based of the user’s role in the corporation. Users are not able to successfully implement the row level security in Power BI with ease.


The Business Solution

Partner Solution

Our Security Utility Application will free up admins by providing help desk expertise to solve the technical inquiries. The application will be installed for the customer, and any additional questions will be answered along the way. Levels of hierarchal access will be assigned to the various users based on their role in the company. Users will have a seamless implementation of the row level security in Power BI by integrating with Security Utility Power App and then create custom dashboards or reports based on that.

Key Results

<h3>Customer Benefits</h3>

<P style=”text-align:justify”>The app enablement rules out the stringent authentication process and ensures access to reports without any glitches. Organization’s productivity will overall increase as employees can focus on their assigned tasks; any maintenance work can be solved by deploying this application.</p>

App is live on Marketplace

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Bizmetric renders outstanding Oracle Services. Their expertise in delivering a high-performance Data Analytics Solution under the aegis of top-class experts is just great.

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The ML-enabled Logistics Solution of Bizmetric delivered out of the box results. The sales touched the top figure brackets with an extraordinary improvement in productivity.

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Bizmetric and its team successfully implemented the BI Solution at Newpark. Their work met the business as well as quality expectations.

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Bizmetric renders outstanding Oracle Services. Their expertise in delivering a high-performance Data Analytics Solution under the aegis of top-class experts is just great.

Lesia Winbush

Experienced Billing Manager

The ML-enabled Logistics Solution of Bizmetric delivered out of the box results. The sales touched the top figure brackets with an extraordinary improvement in productivity.

Arif Maredia

Supply Chain & Strategic Sourcing
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